Monday, May 5, 2008

Creative Alliance

I guess I should talk about the Creative Alliance event: 

All of the movies were good. There were about 11 and about 3 awards given out. One was for the audience choice (in other words, whichever one of us brings the most people ;)

My husband got irritated in a funny way when I didn't win, I laughed, telling him that I was happy to have my stuff shown. I called him a stage husband. 

Everyone is making documentaries....

Final project

I had finished my final for this class on Friday, but I got more ideas on Sunday and we went out and shot more footage. 

I am adding the music track now, which needs to be changed now with the extra footage. Overall, I am happy with the final product, though I would like to extend it and add more narrative as well as polish the current dialogue. Of course, writing is rewriting...

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I can't believe that this semester is almost done. I am finsihing up, but it is hard for me to do anything as I want to be done now. 

I start at Towson in the fall and will be there for two semesters, then I'm getting an MFA in Art, though I do not know at this time where I'll be going.